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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 08/26/2013
August 26, 2013 Meeting
Meeting Opened: 6:35pm
Present: Doug Hall, Terry McCormack, Tom Jameson, Jim Plunkett, Philip Hitchcock, Richard Millette, Allen Mayville, David Dobson.
Not Present: Jeff Jordan, Stan Brehm, and John Amsden.
Public: Ann Davis
Guest: Darren Tapp, CIP rep
Doug stated there has been a breakdown in communication with CIP regarding this year’s amount; they did not get the information. Doug had suggested a joint meeting and they were invited to tonight’s meeting. Anthony sent minutes indicating meetings were held May 30, July 3 and 24 which were not posted.
RAC Minutes need to go to Fred Shaw for posting and need to be posted at Town Hall and Library for each meeting, preferably for 2-3 meetings ahead.
Darren (CIP) arrived at meeting.
Allen Mayville made MOTION to accept August 5, 2013, Meeting Minutes; Tom Jameson seconded; MOTION carried and Minutes accepted.
Terry brought everyone up to speed about the reassessment of Horse Corner and Bear Hill Roads. Segments aren’t final but dollar amount stays the same for general budgeting purposes for the 10-year plan.
Darren inquired why Horse Corner Road. Doug stated that a joint committee so we can discuss; we are getting hard numbers for the segments and put the puzzle together within the dollar amounts. Tom stated that high traffic through roads and the number of houses are factors on what roads are to be done.
Jim explained the different conditions of segments.  Richard said when driving the roads look okay; but to walk them, they are not.
Darren said he would walk them. Darren asked if any class 6 roads were being changed to class 5 roads.  Doug responded only existing paved roads.
Terry stated we are sticking to recommendations and each year still trying to attain 1.2 miles to maintain for a 20-year plan. Doug said we have 23 miles of roads, about 1.2 miles of roads.
Allen said we got behind similar to Union Leader article about Town of Auburn who only spent approximately $100,000/year and now has had to spend 1.7 million to catch up which was approved by the taxpayers.
Terry explained how Dave was compiling the assessments of other towns of similar population and length of road networks. David added that when we jump around with segments…what was repaired then makes adjoining segments that looked okay now look bad.
Darren inquired if this 20 year plan fails, then all the work would have to be done at once; and inquired did RAC want a written opinion from CIP. Doug responded that we’re just trying to get the Minutes shared and get the two committees communicating. Allen responded we need to maintain the roads and $373,000 is reasonable.
Doug added they recognized the oil-tar prices going up and that’s why 3.5% inflation figure was included. He continued the Town was who voted for RAC to oversee the structure of the town’s road system.
Jim stated concern that next year we include the Fire Department regarding driveway slopes and make it a standard to incorporate in our specs. Doug stated that the Fire Department should look at the segments. Richard inquired if we look at the driveway and its way wrong, is it the home owner’s problem or the town’s? Doug added that the Fire Department should look at the segments to determine if okay.
Jim stated that he had to redo topsoil in one case. Terry thought added loam and seed was in contract for contractor’s to follow to Jim’s desired result. Doug asked if there were any contractor problems. Jim brought up the $300 compaction testing jumping from segment to segment was a three-day ordeal. Terry asked were the materials decent. Jim affirmed that they got 8” reclaim, 4”crush, 1-1/2’ bank run and then clay/hardpan. Jim got photos galore.
Doug drafted an article for The Suncook Valley Sun to say the road work has been completed. Doug made a MOTION to authorize Terry McCormack to submit the article to The SUN to go in subsequent to school starting; David Dobson seconded; MOTION CARRIED.
Terry asked Jim to take the photos from this job to use for presentation at this year’s Budget Committee Meeting.
Doug stated necessity to set meeting dates a group at a time. Dates were set on a 3-week cycle on the following Mondays: 09/16, 10/07, 10/28.
Doug said to issue an invitation to CIP for the 10/07/2013 meeting, 6:30 at Highway Dept. Office; and if we hear from CIP, it will be held at the Safety Building.
Philip will contact Fred Shaw to post Minutes.
GOALS: By 10/07 to have segments narrowed down to present to CIP. Jim by the 10/28 meeting needs to have numbers done.
Doug asked for traffic counts; Jim, none yet.
Doug made a MOTION to adjourn; Richard Millette seconded; meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
Respectfully submitted,
Philip J. Hitchcock, Jr.